Access Options

In this section you can adjust the appearance of this website to suit your own preferences. You can :

Change the Text Size

You may find it easier to use our site if you choose a different font-size. You can try alternative sizes by clicking on the following links.

Change the site Colour Scheme

Standard scheme
Black text on a white background
White text on a black background

Remove images

You currently have images disabled. In place of the images a small text label will be shown.

Turn images back on

Use access keys

Access keys are a navigation device enabling you to get around the main areas of the site using your keyboard.

Available access keys

  • 0 - Accessibility
  • 1 - Features
  • 1 - Home
  • 4 - Prices
  • 7 - Blog
  • 8 - Site Map
  • 8 - Use of Cookies
  • S - Skip page navigation

How to use Access Keys

Internet Explorer 5+ (PC)
Hold down the ALT key, press the number or letter of the access key, release both keys then press ENTER

Internet Explorer 4 (PC)
Hold down the ALT key and press the number or letter of the access key

Internet Explorer 5+ (Mac)
Hold down the CTRL key and press the number or letter of the access key

Internet Explorer 4.5 (Mac)
Access keys are not supported

FireFox 3+
Hold down the SHIFT and the ALT key and press the number or letter of the access key

FireFox (up to version 2)
Hold down the ALT key and press the number or letter of the access key

Google Chrome
On Windows or Linux hold down the ALT key and press the number or letter of the access key. On a Mac press and hold the CTRL and OPT keys.

Safari and Omniweb (Mac)
Hold down the CTRL and OPT keys and press the number or letter of the access key

Safari (Windows)
Hold down the ALT key and press the number or letter of the access key

Netscape 6 and earlier (PC and Mac)
Not supported

Netscape 7 (PC)
Hold down the ALT key and press the number or letter of the access key

Mozilla (PC)
Hold down the ALT key and press the number or letter of the access key

Mozilla (Mac)
Hold down the CTRL key and press the number or letter of the access key

© YellowHawk Ltd 2024